Thursday, March 31, 2011

Propellerhead Emulator Dongle


My fashion world is rapidly shrinking ... I

imprisonment between conversion and a white shirt ... Converse =
white shirt = praca
proportion nice weather someone steals my free time ...
actually already do not know what the phrase means free time ...
Yes it is spring, everything is beautiful ... cabbage ... grass grow ...
... Swine and walk (observe Frisky morning walk) in standard lengths of 15 minutes shall be extended for half an hour, eventually 40minut ...

Aaaaaaale! Science I is not complainin! ... ved a jar ... and can only moan in winter ...
or what? heh Anyway

tot nerdny Adds one post next time around ... white shirt ... hahahahaha ... or fashion pig zezirajuce grass and my "free time" ...

oh! That I forget ... (still not so!)
... the "pomachrovat" (of course) in POLUSackom TOTAL magazine thanks Ivka Kučerová is also mention of me.
Many thanks!

... keep
beautiful Thursday evening and ... more beautiful (spring) PIATOOOOOK!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

On-line Reading Samoan Bible

Napoleon-ka a jej bijoux

... it was love at first sight ...
long already ... I was looking for something "red" ...
guys ... love ...
... everywhere with him praise ...
think ... occupation to be hand on every table, rolled up and if by chance rukaaave not fall tax
human eye to the treasure ... they stuck it right under his nose, saying "nice that ?"...

... and once already ... so I ordered the nausky ...
... are two (like so many) ...
... I'll wear them one by one (so to walk again with me) ...
... Nice, right?

... thank Napoleon Miss Berry for her beautiful work, which can be found here and i look forward to mailings full of unique treasures bizu ...


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Linse Christiansen Blog

Digital Strategy tactics

The other day I was puzzled by the question - whether the agencies are people who dig on selected tools?

try to open the mind:
company comes to the agency, ordered an advertising campaign to raise the knowledge of its new product.
The agency, headed by digital strategist analyze audience, the TSS and the main message of the product, coming up with an idea and lay it on the media.
Usually at this excavation and analysis of the end.
selected pool Tools such as: context, mediyka, special projects, etc.
All ads targeted ads selected by the CA by age, gender, geography.
Toolbox digital marketing and feasibility of targeting is much wider.

What agencies and brands pays little attention to (at least in the major brands and agencies, their service):

1) Landing page / page assignment.
Before the start of the campaign to conduct multivariate testing that at low traffic volumes see which pages and arrangement of elements on them gives the best indicators of achievement (this applies to creative solutions, yes, there to not spoken art director).
And why so often forget about the minimal SEO? Promostranitse enough to prescribe the basic klyucheyve words and meta tags to She somehow indexed to live in the search index after the end of the campaign.

2) Advanced Placement Tool.
There are technologies retargetinga (when the ads shown to those who are already searching for the product), each site has its own configuration options campaigns, for example, gismeteo advertisement adjusted for the weather.
constantly appearing new tools, such as, for example yesterday Vkontakte SPEECH WAS DELIVERED about targeting browsers and mobile devices.
But! In this case, I am unfortunately not familiar with people and agencies that would be the preparation of advertising for the client Campanian deep thought about what tools targeting the client's needs, and most importantly - what will work. Usually, all confined to the planned target for the CA, while no studies on whether the ad is efficient to the same without targeting.

3) integration with social media.
Many brands have recently started some movements in social media like Twitter and vkontakte. At the same time, agencies that make for them a promotional campaign and promotional pages are always aware integration with social media at his or even killed on this thing.
The agency must be a person, called the "social engineer" who will be responsible for then, as any project the agency can be integrated with sotsialnyim media will look like and where located a block reference to brand representation.

4) Thinking key visuals. Our dear banners and more!
Honestly, I do not know how things are going with the preparation of banners of other brands, but in my experience ever see the unprofessional approach by the agencies.
First, we must admit that working to make banners in RuNet almost nobody knows. I'm talking about banners, which are clearly convey to the user's brand message and carry the call to action (call to action) to continue the acquaintance with the product or can this knowledge directly in the banner.
Agency must make several versions of banners, each of which is equally well conveys the message campaign, but executed in a different style.
As a result of the test campaign is important to identify the most well-run key visuals and use them.
haunts me feeling that the "banner blindness" - a fairy tale invented by agencies to justify their lack of professionalism in the creation of banners.

5) Definition of KPI.
When I see another plan of campaign, which resulted in the brand will get n-th number of contacts with the CA, I was beginning to stir up a little. The purpose of the campaign - not the number of contacts audience and increase knowledge about the product or incentives to purchase. KPI, the proposed agency should clearly relate to the objectives of the campaign.

6) Time Management for the client.
That's what I wrote in previous post .
Agency like to come with a 10-m of ideas for the client, not even thinking how long it may take in their study and approval.

7) Research throughout the campaign and postanaliz.
What we used to see in contextual advertising, namely, constant optimization progress of campaigns, for some reason is not observed for media campaigns. In these agencies use a favorite principle of "shoot and forget", when the campaign launches and forget about her conduct at all.
Continuous monitoring will undoubtedly raise the cost of campaigns, but it will keep your finger on the pulse. Apparently yet that such a meticulous control of no use to anyone.
same thing until I can say about the analysis of the results of advertising campaigns. Panasonic is working with top media agencies, but only gets a report on the number of impressions and clicks on the results of campaigns. In the agencies should have strong intelligence that will set campaign objectives before its launch, and provide clear results to the client.

list goes on.
Briefly summarize the list of claims get that agencies are almost no people who are digging deep. Good idea, and media strategy, devised by experts of a high level does not show decent results without a serious approach to the use of tools of Internet marketing.

this post on Facebook .

Monday, March 21, 2011

John Lavery, The Cemetery, Etaples


... parking cards and oranges ...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Oscar Statuechocolate Molds


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Women's Wrestling Submission Moves


... Im easy ...
... easy like sunday morning ...

is sometimes easier to be a guy ...
... but what could be better than being a woman and wear your boyfriend jeans ...
"wifebeater" and "conversion" to principal ...
money ... ... the guys in your pocket

... a. ..

Im easy ...
... easy like sunday morning ...

I looooove 'EM!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Funny Invitation For Maariage


This article can have two weeks hiding in documents, waiting I was with him until the new blog. The interview was for me a very interesting experience, and also opportunities Celente better. Although the article is long, but I'm glad for it, at least learn something. Pleasant reading this newsletter;)

Could you say a few words about yourself?

  • wonder how to describe myself in few words ... Well, let's be that look good: D Yeah, too early in the morning sometimes look like zombies, but otherwise look good: D I am naturally Smart: D based on my answers to half the people will now think I'm stupid: D Believe it or not, but I'm really stupid: DI though sometimes of myself, unfortunately I will make a idiot, but that's the life of everyone he meets. I'm not normal. Our policy is that being normal is itself irrational. Some may appear to behave as a schizophrenic when I see totally vytlemenou and the second on my face is a smile without a trace. The frequent changes of mood I sometimes very annoying. But I try stick to the smiling version of me:)

What did you want to be like a child?
  • Well, it changed gradually with age. When I was in kindergarten, I wanted to be a princess: D Then the elementary school I took it over a normal range as a fashion designer and a similar stellar career. On the second level, my vision has stabilized a bit and I wanted to be a terribly long time photographer, which I still took until recently. I also wanted to be a successful writer. And by I, too: D so now I say according to their responses, what the hell I'm doing the graphics? : D school is more like a hobby for me. Graphics do not want to eat, it's my hobby. That's the school play. I enjoy it, that's all that's that.

What you have talent?
  • I do not like prejudice. From my answer would imply that I was too arrogant and think about yourself, but I recently explained to his close friend, as I do not like false modesty. Why not declare something, What excel for fear that others will be considered for promotion and arrogance? Example: A girl can draw beautifully. Someone comes to her and admired her artwork. "You drawing really well," praised her and she replies "Oh, these are just doodles". And that my people really matter. Why should they be too modest when you excel at something and know that this is exactly what they what they like and they are doing more than well? I place the girl I smiled and thanked I. Neshazovala like myself that would persuade the other that they're doodles. When you have talent, so hell, and I admit I will not be ashamed of it? So, each boldly declare that I have such a versatile talent. And think what you want: D The main item I would like to highlight my talent of writing. I know that I write really well. Yes, there is always room for improvement:) But now I can say about myself that I write well. Those who read what I write, whether the article, poem or anything else I wrote mostly like it and praise me. And comments like, "well-written article" always happy :-)

Some of our readers surely know your blog, could you tell us something about it tell? When did you set up what is, what are your plans with him?
  • blog shortly celebrate the third birthday, so I grew out of the toddler years: D To be precise, I started a blog March 12, 2008. Originally a blog read only based on my favorite time series Charmed, many of us know it by the Czech translation of the Witches. This also comes blog address, because the nurses were generally four. Then the blog a lot has changed and expanded its focus, but eventually the old standbys like the blog just to maintain and even Miley Cyrus would then be to displace and occupy more space for myself: D But I try to export articles were about half-half. Something about me, something about Miley. Miley is my personal design in many things, disagree with her views only in a low, so the blog is still and I would say that it still remains a long time:) As far as plans for the blog, there is not much. Rather not. Sometimes I get an idea for a new section, but it does not always come out. We use a particular section diary and I write what I just Tane mind. But I can tell you certainly do not plan to blog and its abolition:)

attendance is important to you? How to fight it?
  • averaged over the last month is 115.5 my attendance. It was also higher, but the last time blog do not pay as much time as before, so this is fairly reflected in the attendance. But I do not mind me. I realized that traffic is the main thing and I do not understand people who chase after her. The average attendance of 115 a month suits me. That go to other blogs at least it's a good number and goes to see it's still a lot of people interested in my articles. And even if they read my blog five people, and for those five people are still writing the price and I'll write for them:)

It takes a lot of time you blog?
  • As I have mentioned. Times when I sat on the blog of a half-day, are definitely gone. Now I love it when I write a weekly article and hi: D No, I just write when I want to write :-)

What is your typical story?
  • My typical article. Hm. Above it I think. Previously, my typical article seemed so full that I vytlemených Smiley: DI now, so it is sometimes, but she began to write exactly as written Czech and colloquial expressions are rarely used. Here and there arises in an article, but I try to avoid them. When you write a registry, it sounds better. It looks better. It reads better. And I'm on a blog as dull teenager. And you can see from comments that readers taking me as someone from whom you can take something. I always try to somehow tell a story of my life. I use a different analogy and metaphor. And always readers trying to pass an opinion or advice. We do not force them to manage it. Just trying to confer valuable advice and most of my readers appreciate it as well. A lot of the articles is not only about my feelings. About what exactly I live. You know what, go to my blog, a section rozklikněte My diary and see what it looks like my typical article: D

know your visitors a virtual, or visit your blog and friends? Does it bother you?
  • do not mind. She send your friends links to some of my articles. Most of them write about specific things, and my feelings, even though at first glance may not be obvious. In these articles I like it when my friends and I read them, analyze them with a little more depth.

What does friendship mean to you?
  • friendship means everything to me. Friends are for me the first place. Always. I appreciate very much your friends and every day I thank that I have. Always there for me and I am also here for them. He shares with me the joy and sorrow. I discuss everything with them. Friends to me are people who I can trust one hundred percent. And I am grateful that these people are so much :-)

Do you prefer a lot of friends, or perhaps a few real friends?
  • I have lots of friends. And among them, and enough real friends. Always but so it was not. Enough of that I thought were friends to me for some reason, I always gave up and finally left alone. The more you appreciate your friends. My most recent experience gave me a total of mentally confused. I had a friend. Then we began to discover the problems for a long time we talked together. More than a year. I blame it on many things and my new friend in me that just fueling. Recently, in fact even now on in February, I finally managed to speak with the friend that I've been a friend did not. It turned out that I chose wrong. This new friend was the fake and I had fooled. I almost lost a true friend. I am extremely sorry, I told her how much wronged and greatly regret the lost time by which we came. On the one hand, I regret, as I later found out the truth. On the other hand, it is still early, and not everything is lost. I got my friend right back and get rid of the fake. What more could you want? Perhaps it should be. Now her and our friendship will weigh even more:)

What you and the boys?
  • badly I was burned. Not very nice when you think you're just the two of you will know then that it was you three: D But it do not want to discuss here :-) After this experience, there was still a boy. I once went with him. And suddenly there it was again. One look in your eyes and everything was the same. Again, I loved him. I wanted him to have a relationship again, I wished that this time it worked. I have painted a common future ... it did not work ... I was very hurt. Sincerely we talked and we agreed that the two of us, unfortunately, to get the status of the relationship. Now I suddenly started to ignore, erase me from friends. It was from day to day. I do not know what he heard, but I'm very sorry to believe gossip. I'm angry. I'm angry at those who slander carries. I'm angry at him, believe that those rumors without asking me whether or not it is true. I'm mad at myself, it bothers me so. It bothers me that it bothers me. I'd stepped out of the roundabouts and cut the all the emotional ties to him. But I'd much rather be with him. But I can not. Maybe this will be better. I belong to those who do not regret anything, and the most bugging me, he pushed me with his behavior to the fact that I started to regret it. I regret that I re-embarked on his life. I do not regret it. The fact that I did not want this issue too disassemble, I was quite expanded. It will, by quietly hope that he's just sorry he did ... I would if I remembered the hard feelings because of some gossip they trust. I'm on it I remember the good, and I wish that he remembered me as well. I am upset that I can not let go and say "tired, his minus". I wish to conclude this chapter konečně and begin a relationship with someone else. I hope I'll do it and it will not last long. I know that the chapter will have a happy ending, where he will end up together. But I do not want to have the wrong end of the chapter. Luckily I have enough friends who will not let me worry and help me close the chapter. The end has yet to be surprise for me alone, so we'll see what happens. One thing I know but surely. That chapter is already over and the next it will not start. Not with him. But not against new acquaintances. Actually, someone like ... :-)

How do you feel with classmates? What do you think of them?
  • Well it's beginning to be the ideal situation: D Slowly but surely, my class is declining and some of the original twenty-two we are now seventeen. I like your class total. The classes come to me one of my best friends there and now I even have new-found friend, if I say so. I think now I can assign them slowly toward the group of my best friends. Otherwise, relationships with peers outside the classroom do not have power, but rather roast cooked in a class where the year:-D But otherwise my people from our class as a whole meet. Fall fun lines and from school are coming back mostly positive attitude :-)

Who is the most likeable teachers who most annoys you the contrary?
  • prefer to have our matikářku. In addition, we teach more math economics, basic sciences and a fictitious company. Although not all of these items are just my favorite teacher is great and I love her very much :-) Then I like our English teachers. This guy is simply: D But he said that maybe he goes, which I will regret. Lately I'm also very fond of the teacher, who has never to my favorites and I definitely did not belong to slowly but surely climbing to the top: D teaches us to digital video. What bothers me most? Well, too few of them find, but they prefer to appoint not:)

What kind of art do you prefer? And as often as she made the universe?
  • Although I graphic school, the answer is literature. There are lots of wonderful books that I consider art. And the art of writing is something so wonderful. If you can create an intriguing story and keep readers going on, so that the book had devoured the last page and was sorry that the story is finished, I think it's a real art. As I told myself I did a lot of writing, so this is my most common formation. Either I write blog articles, or poems, mostly inspired by someone specific or just something for yourself. Someday I would like to write a book.

You have some really big secret? What is involved?
  • dad I ate cookies. It took him terribly. I'm sorry: (: D: D when I go buy it from the intra alia, that he was sorry ...: D

How do you spend your free time?
  • Now I have given an incentive to read books, it's interesting. Otherwise, in my free time doing things mainly to school. We do not learn! Do not be silly! : D But should I write scripts for coursework, working out ideas for work and trying to engage their creative spirit. Then I enjoy a lot of economics, I'm learning here voluntarily and I enjoy it. So I spend my free time, often with textbook economics: D

What do you most?
  • The people who mean something to me. On his dreams for the future.

for what you killed?
  • For what or whom? : D Ok. I follow the question. For what? I would say that I am a peaceful man and I never want to murder, but I lied: D But I would definitely nevraždila without reason. With a taste I would kill anyone who would prepare me for the right mate or friend. So, from my previous answers attentive readers realize that I should answer to the question of who to kill.

If you could wish for anything in the world, what would it be?
  • Now my answer will sound a bit like a Miss America answer but never mind: D I wish I could lead a happy life and that I fulfilled all my dreams and I wish the same for my best friends and to all strangers. To me everyone deserves to lead a happy and contented life.

What do you want to achieve in life?
  • I'd just be happy. Fulfill your dreams. I want to get to college on financial management. Moving and be financially independent. Having your own apartment. Find a friend. Then start a family. And I write that book: D It will be a bestseller, then according to her making the film, I earn a lot of that money. I'll take my best friends and I will lay them together: D We'll make a big party: D Of course not all, also I have to make a living from x D

what you added at the end? She you something to say?
  • Finally, I would like to thank those who had the patience to read it until the end: D And while we're on the blog, so thanks to its straight regular readers for their loyalty. Then I want to thank Raven for giving me the opportunity to comment in this conversation. The only reason why I decided to comply with the hope that it will read a couple of certain people. Otherwise, I want some, too few people to thank certain people and those are just my friends. Thanks, that you are there for me :-)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Da 4187 Example For Married

Interview with Kleio

Kleio Since coming to our blog was rather sudden, and she did not get a proper welcome, take this article as such its performance. And soon even wait at least one interview, but this time with another blogger:).

Good Charlotte - River

How would you describe yourself?
  • I'm crazy and wild (only one person I ever tamed). And even though I regret to admit, sometimes they really behave like a blonde.

What did you want to be like a child?
  • heerečkou I wanted to be, actually, I still want ..

What you have talent?
  • not consider it a talent, about art in general, this is my drawing and recitation. And then of course there are my poems ..

In your poems you know most of our readers, where you take inspiration?
  • from my personal life experiences.

Which one do you like best, which is your most personal?
  • Each one is for me something important, they are my memories. Are the most personal of my tears.

Why exactly did you choose this school?
  • On the show I met a great school teacher who convinced me actually. The talent tests and advised me then I got a few extra points.

What do you think of your classmates?
  • * thinks * And do not read it? ... Many of them are just spoiled children of entrepreneurs, but in your eyes I would tell them about it.

And what about the rest?
  • Yet there is a group of those who do not conform fully to all, any conventions. And then, too, of course, few ordinary people.

of teachers Who do you like best?
  • Photography Teacher, teacher animation (from the talentovek) výpočetky and teachers.

And who the least?
  • our class. Třídnictví it is not your thing, the Czech I learned much of anything new and just me doing it on purpose.

What kind of art do you prefer?
  • I definitely prefer the photo.

What is your biggest secret?
  • from their parents try to hide that from 14 years of smoke. But my biggest secret (in the sense that about him a lot of people do not know) it might be that do not get too well with his dad, even though a lot of people think otherwise. Oh, and about five years, I threw a guy into the pool because it boasted that he could walk on water.

When we're at it, and what are you guys?
  • There Randi with one footballer, but is not yet clear whether some of it will be. He lives about 10km from me and he was 20 Still, I still think your ex, even though I hurt a lot.

What did you do the holidays?
  • one half proležela'm home sick, but in the other, I will see to compensate for the events and dates.

How do you spend your free time?
  • When he is left within a week after school, some free time, killing him at the computer or shopping. I spend weekends at dances, dating, or at work.

what your favorite books and movies?
  • Black Book (film about a Jewess who are trying to survive war and falls in love with the Gestapo), and Twilight. * Laughs *

you still hiding some toys from your childhood?
  • Yes, hidden somewhere at home I have about twenty Barbies. I sewed their own clothes.

What do you most?
  • to his former, sex and school.

for what you killed?
  • for love. And in a negative sense, I would kill if someone sends me.

If you could wish for anything in the world, what would it be?
  • I guess I was selfish and I wish never BORING bad things that ever happened to me.

What three things would you take to a desert island.
  • friend onions, clothing and first aid box.

What super powers would you like to have?
  • I would like to be able to move in time.

What do you want to achieve in life?
  • I would like to have a good job, worthy husband and beautiful children.

What is your mission?
  • listen and advise people, my friends are going to confess.

Do you believe in past lives?
  • Not really, but I believe in ghosts. And I would have liked if there were really vampires (but only the good guys).

Why are you agreed that you will join NerdGirls?
  • I thought it was an interesting option and also the opportunity to publish my poems.

what you added at the end? Something to say?
  • I would like to thank Raven considers that allowed me to participate in the blog. Thanks also include my mother and sister Zdeničce, which was always there for them.