The other day I was puzzled by the question - whether the agencies are people who dig on selected tools?
try to open the mind:
company comes to the agency, ordered an advertising campaign to raise the knowledge of its new product.
The agency, headed by digital strategist analyze audience, the TSS and the main message of the product, coming up with an idea and lay it on the media.
Usually at this excavation and analysis of the end.
selected pool Tools such as: context, mediyka, special projects, etc.
All ads targeted ads selected by the CA by age, gender, geography.
Toolbox digital marketing and feasibility of targeting is much wider.
What agencies and brands pays little attention to (at least in the major brands and agencies, their service):
1) Landing page / page assignment. Before the start of the campaign to conduct multivariate testing that at low traffic volumes see which pages and arrangement of elements on them gives the best indicators of achievement (this applies to creative solutions, yes, there to not spoken art director).
And why so often forget about the minimal SEO? Promostranitse enough to prescribe the basic klyucheyve words and meta tags to She somehow indexed to live in the search index after the end of the campaign.
2) Advanced Placement Tool. There are technologies retargetinga (when the ads shown to those who are already searching for the product), each site has its own configuration options campaigns, for example, gismeteo advertisement adjusted for the weather.
constantly appearing new tools, such as, for example yesterday Vkontakte SPEECH WAS DELIVERED about targeting browsers and mobile devices.
But! In this case, I am unfortunately not familiar with people and agencies that would be the preparation of advertising for the client Campanian deep thought about what tools targeting the client's needs, and most importantly - what will work. Usually, all confined to the planned target for the CA, while no studies on whether the ad is efficient to the same without targeting.
3) integration with social media. Many brands have recently started some movements in social media like Twitter and vkontakte. At the same time, agencies that make for them a promotional campaign and promotional pages are always aware integration with social media at his or even killed on this thing.
The agency must be a person, called the "social engineer" who will be responsible for then, as any project the agency can be integrated with sotsialnyim media will look like and where located a block reference to brand representation.
4) Thinking key visuals. Our dear banners and more! Honestly, I do not know how things are going with the preparation of banners of other brands, but in my experience ever see the unprofessional approach by the agencies.
First, we must admit that working to make banners in RuNet almost nobody knows. I'm talking about banners, which are clearly convey to the user's brand message and carry the call to action (call to action) to continue the acquaintance with the product or can this knowledge directly in the banner.
Agency must make several versions of banners, each of which is equally well conveys the message campaign, but executed in a different style.
As a result of the test campaign is important to identify the most well-run key visuals and use them.
haunts me feeling that the "banner blindness" - a fairy tale invented by agencies to justify their lack of professionalism in the creation of banners.
5) Definition of KPI. When I see another plan of campaign, which resulted in the brand will get n-th number of contacts with the CA, I was beginning to stir up a little. The purpose of the campaign - not the number of contacts audience and increase knowledge about the product or incentives to purchase. KPI, the proposed agency should clearly relate to the objectives of the campaign.
6) Time Management for the client. That's what I wrote in previous post
Agency like to come with a 10-m of ideas for the client, not even thinking how long it may take in their study and approval.
7) Research throughout the campaign and postanaliz. What we used to see in contextual advertising, namely, constant optimization progress of campaigns, for some reason is not observed for media campaigns. In these agencies use a favorite principle of "shoot and forget", when the campaign launches and forget about her conduct at all.
Continuous monitoring will undoubtedly raise the cost of campaigns, but it will keep your finger on the pulse. Apparently yet that such a meticulous control of no use to anyone.
same thing until I can say about the analysis of the results of advertising campaigns. Panasonic is working with top media agencies, but only gets a report on the number of impressions and clicks on the results of campaigns. In the agencies should have strong intelligence that will set campaign objectives before its launch, and provide clear results to the client.
list goes on.
Briefly summarize the list of claims get that agencies are almost no people who are digging deep. Good idea, and media strategy, devised by experts of a high level does not show decent results without a serious approach to the use of tools of Internet marketing.
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