Saturday, March 5, 2011

Cruise Spots In Charlotte

another story

time I have for you something else, no love poems, but for some reflection, and some interesting truth. And even find the pieces of my approximately 12-13 years. So perhaps it is not so bad. So let it be like :-)

Life is just a bet
bet's only money
money is just pride!
And pride comes before a fall,
stalls are small and large.
Why every time we fall on concrete?

One love
Soužím for your love,
while my life in the balance.
sacrifice for your love,
while they are also looking at a different beauty.
I'm dying for your love,
and still losing this bet!
That life nesklání before ONE LOVE!

Arakain - Miss Envy

letter I am to please,
I glow that shines on your path.
I have a letter, which breaks the heart,
I like beasts
that eats at you.
I letter I go around the world.
I have a letter!

foreign to us,
are cool to us,
live underground and can not speak.
speaks to us,
foreign to us,
hire even more.
features of the body buried time
bones turn to dust,
remain are only those


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