I thought, but I do not know how to write it and put together properly. So this article will be one big improvisation.
I'd like "sweet"! As my tastes ukočírovat? I give you "salty". The biggest problem is when I think of in my head bears an interesting conspiracy. And my dreams are like hot caramel! It does that make sense? Me neither. I am happy with the salt, and yet there's sweet tooth. My thoughts bend the fact that if you taste the sweet, I can be happy again with salty or sweet, I fancy? And then another question, how "sweet" to respond to the "sharp", it will also have a taste? The questions are many, so it'd better let vyšumět. I'm happy and in love, or just nalhávám. I have undermined confidence in yourself, let alone something ...
Fergie - Big Girls Do not Cry
I'll marry all the flavors and wait as it will go away if it will go away. Each flavor has to go sooner or later, or not?
Now I can jump to another topic altogether! I recently had a birthday, I learned how everyone I know well. I got the same earrings, necklaces, pendants, etc. I'm really grateful for it all. But on my birthday celebration appeared sour, I do not taste it, but I see that it would tasted sharp. So we are back to the topic of taste. I'm sorry for all tastes, and is beginning to resent. It's strange in one part of the rave, in the second turn, hate, and that's the big improvisation, which I realize, but it does not. It was not like me, restless blonde.
Novaspace - Do not Look Back
My medication must be salty diet, but how long it can hold. I want at all?
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