name is poem of the same name. Otherwise, all terribly sorry for my long inactivity. I guess you go through some strange crisis, I can not write new poems. And serving up some older.
formula to life
Disappointment comes naturally,
disappointment does not ask you what kind of person.
Life changes and so it must be taken,
not only with the fight.
With love, you have to accept,
not just revel infidelity.
We live from day to day
otherwise, everything turns into a dream ...
You can fight with it,
but then I don 't ask me.
formula for life is not
I myself would like everything to be just a dream.
Solitude, I just do not like
just when somebody promises ...
And by quitting his verses quietly
as what the religion says.
Black Swan
I am a black swan company
all just a fragment of chewed bones ,
said I give all my body,
to them such that they say ladies?
I'm still a man with a soul,
my heart just riddled crossbow
why no one else understands
all are just interested me in this dirt, sweep!
I love broken,
you brought to its knees,
every morning I get up from the imaginary bottom
and I finally wake up from this horrible dream.
I'm just a young girl,
you think, for you easy prey,
I am no one, not yours,
body and mind is just mine.
So I'm black swan company
all just a fragment of chewed bones ...
Skillet - Hero
Although in the beginning I said that I spatlat no big deal, so even though it worked. So nice :-) number
(best of all.)
dream or reality?
I simply dreaming
thanks for the offer to drink,
but I just want only a dream!
I refuse a cigarette,
wondering about his touch,
how flooded my skin
when you rub on my naked body pieces roses
covered my mouth with gentle kisses
poztrácené found heart pieces,
my legs gripping your hips
but At that time, I heard strange steps
was a passion, it was a temptation
later came a conviction
when we played this game a long time,
my heart turned to ice in a circular,
our love sank like the Titanic,
failed to fix even the best mechanic.
I betrayed, and that's it,
just plain rain falls from our eyes!
You do not give a cigarette,
you stay alone
maybe a glass of wine,
so I let you back into your lap,
with you I want to again be
therefore stoping dream!
(Why contradict itself,
I'm probably crazy, because my dreams of you opine ...)
Otherwise, the original purpose of this article was to testify, to say how someone hurt me too! But then I realized that I love! Although my past and said frantically, I'm afraid that I hurt, so I still believe that he will not let me cry on the floor!
Dedicated Raven (the emotional support)
+ perfect counterpart (for the love you give me)
And if my article comes confused, I apologize, because the person is confused.
Paramore - The Only Exception
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