Wednesday, June 9, 2010

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Big Brands and Internet

Below I present to you a record of what distinguishes successful brands in the network.

1. Think over the general plan
2. Be systematic in their activity
3. Create a platform for long-term communication
4. Think about 7 times before use social media
5. Do not forget about the buying cycle. Wisely communication so as to surround the customer at each stage.
Below is the text of the report.

- Review of the current situation
On the Internet still ruled by promo-sites, seasonal campaigns for the announcement of new products, kommitmenty as obyazalovke fly banners in certain areas.
lack of jurisdiction in Internet marketing with brand managers and the same lack of people who could this brand managers to help.
Let's see what makes iconic brands Runet - those being talked about on each topic of the conference. And what to do to determine the success of their actions.

- What distinguishes the successful brands
Company, which say, distinguishes, first of all, a systematic approach and involvement of the audience. You have any can appear and disappear with their media stories but to earn the trust and loyalty of users in this way can not. It is important before you start to do something systematic plan of action and goals for the next 2-3 years. In people, this is called strategy, but it is not often. And do not forget that before the internet marketing pose unambiguous objectives, For example: sales, customer loyalty.
Internet can be used to derive a new product, but only if it is aimed at Internet users and solve their problems (or created jointly).

For example, Panasonic and Intel will show you how internet marketing can be integrated in the overall marketing concept.
community brand IT galaxy
Mission in social media: Vkontakte, Livejournal, Habrahabr, Twitter
Email Marketing
Store Panasoniceplaza
community brand Panasonic Club
representation in social media: Vkontakte, Facebook Livejournal, Twitter
Integration with BTL, ATL and outdoor - Sites in catalogs, commercials, billboards of outdoor advertising.

may notice that common to both brands is a platform - a brand community and representatives of social media.

- How to define success?
Depending on the task at hand. I admit that most of the companies is aimed at all advertising sales activity. Achieve sales using the Internet is possible, but only in the long term of 3-5 years of constant work with the audience. The logic of this:
1) you combine people under the auspices of the brand or the values \u200b\u200bit carries
2) Gross number of his online supporters, communicate with them
3) from time to time so-called Activation - special offers, requests to do the action.
4) facilitates the shopping, personalize their proposals and the output is a growing sales channel.
expect quick results and miracles are not worth it.
Many talk about the possibilities of social networks, but often forget about the complexity and high cost of working with them. Notorious viral effect is quite rare.

- about fashion and concepts used in the Panasonic 360 +
Be at every stage of decision-making potential customer.
complexity of planning for this technology lies in the fact that the quality Campaigns and coverage 100% CA be much more careful planning and budgeting for campaigns. The more tools, more difficult to track the progress of the campaign and the effective use of each tool. Briefly, this approach has a right to exist, but it is laborious and expensive.
correct budget fairly easy to determine on the basis of campaign goals - knowledge about the product - media part, prospective buyers - the rest (PR, PPC advertising, etc.)

- How to use social media and most importantly why fashionable phrase of the season 2009-2010
Despite the boom of social media the past 3 years, only a few brands Runet can catch in the active use of this tool communication. While most of the campaign boils down to the announcement of a new product launch branded applications and no more. Everyone who still thinks and plans work in social media, I advise to start with an action plan on the Internet in general. How does your brand should be in 3-5 years the role of customer loyalty in your business, whether you are ready to devote time people to work.


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